Source code for

import csv
import functools
import gzip
from contextlib import closing
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Generator, List, overload

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    # Backport additional typings prior to python 3.8
    from typing_extensions import Literal  # type: ignore

[docs]class unix_tab(csv.excel): """The :class:`csv.Dialect` to read TSV.""" delimiter = "\t" lineterminator = "\n"
csv.register_dialect("unix_tab", unix_tab) @overload def read_tsv( path: Path, as_dict: Literal[False], **kwargs ) -> Generator[List[str], None, None]: ... @overload def read_tsv( path: Path, as_dict: Literal[True], columns: List[str], **kwargs ) -> Generator[Dict[str, str], None, None]: ...
[docs]def read_tsv(path, dialect="unix_tab", as_dict=False, columns=None, **kwargs): """Read a plain-text or gzip compressed TSV table. When `as_dict` is `False`, return each row as a list using :func:`csv.reader`. When `as_dict` is `True`, return each row as a `dict` mapping from the column name to the corresponding value using :class:`csv.DictReader`. `columns` will be used as the column names. If `columns` is omitted, the first row will be treated as the column names. Additional arguments ``kwargs`` are passed to the underlying function. Examples: >>> tsv_pth = Path('inheritance_gene_table.tsv.gz') >>> reader = read_tsv(tsv_pth) >>> header = next(reader); header ['gene', 'disease', 'modes_of_inheritance'] >>> row = next(reader); row[-1] 'autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant' >>> reader = read_tsv(tsv_pth, as_dict=True) >>> row_d = next(reader) >>> row_d['gene'] 'SDHA' """ if path.suffix == ".gz": file_obj =, "rt") else: file_obj = open(path, "rt") with closing(file_obj) as f: if as_dict: yield from csv.DictReader(f, dialect=dialect, fieldnames=columns, **kwargs) else: yield from csv.reader(f, dialect=dialect, **kwargs)
read_csv = functools.partial(read_tsv, dialect="excel") read_csv.__doc__ = """ Read a plain-text or gzip compressed CSV table. See :func:`read_tsv` for its usage. """
[docs]def read_lines(path: Path) -> List[str]: """Read a plain-text or gzip compressed text per line.""" if path.suffix == ".gz": file_obj =, "rt") else: file_obj = open(path, "rt") with closing(file_obj) as f: return