Command line interface

All options

Each options here has an one-to-one mapping to an attribute of CharGerConfig by replacing all the dashes with underscores. For example, --input maps to CharGerConfig.input, and --pathogenic-variant maps to CharGerConfig.pathogenic_variant.

usage: charger [-h] [--version] --input VCF [--output TSV] [--pathogenic-variant VCF] [--hotspot3d-cluster TSV] [--override-variant-info] [--include-vcf-details]
               [--inheritance-gene-table TSV] [--disease-specific] [--PP2-gene-list TXT] [--BP1-gene-list TXT]
               [--override-acmg-score 'MODULE=SCORE MODULE=SCORE ...'] [--override-charger-score 'MODULE=SCORE MODULE=SCORE ...'] [--clinvar-table TABIX]
               [--rare-threshold FREQ] [--common-threshold FREQ] [--min-pathogenic-score INT] [--min-likely-pathogenic-score INT] [--max-likely-benign-score INT]
               [--max-benign-score INT]

Named Arguments


show program’s version number and exit


Path to the input VCF to be annotated


Path to CharGer output


Path to the known pathogenic variants


Path to HotSpot3D clusters result


Override the variant info using ClinVar description

Default: False


Include the VCF details in the output

Default: False

ACMG modules


Path to inheritance gene tab separated table and enable PVS1 module. Table columns must be: gene, disease, mode_of_inheritance.


Enable disease specific inheritance-gene-table detection

Default: False


Path to PP2 gene list (list of gene symbols)


Path to BP1 gene list (list of gene symbols)


Override the default scoring of ACMG modules

It overrides the default score for each ACMG module defined by _default_acmg_scores and stores the final scores at CharGerConfig.acmg_module_scores.

CharGer modules


Override the default scoring of CharGer modules

It overrides the default score for each CharGer module defined by _default_charger_scores and stores the final scores at CharGerConfig.charger_module_scores.

Annotation sources


Path to the Tabix indexed ClinVar table



Maximal allele frequency to be a rare variant

Default: 0.0005


Minimal allele frequency to be a common variant

Default: 0.005

Score thresholds


Minimal total score for a variant to be pathogenic

Default: 9


Minimal total score for a variant to be likely pathogenic

Default: 5


Maximal total score for a variant to be likely benign

Default: -4


Maximal total score for a variant to be benign

Default: -8