Source code for charger.console

import argparse
import sys
from os import environ
from shlex import quote

from loguru import logger

from . import __version__
from .argtype import ModuleScoreOverrideType, PathType
from .classifier import CharGer
from .config import CharGerConfig

logger.disable("charger")  # Disable emit logs by default

description = """
CharGer (Characterization of Germline variants) is a software tool for interpreting and predicting clinical pathogenicity of germline variants.
"""  # noqa

# Additional console help message text at the end
epilog = """
If you use CharGer, please cite our publication so we can continue to support CharGer development:

    Scott, A.D. et al. (2018). Bioinformatics.
"""  # noqa

[docs]def create_console_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """Create CharGer's commandline parser. See :class:`~charger.config.CharGerConfig` for the detailed specification of each parameter. """ class ConsoleHelpFormatter( argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ): pass # Obtain the config defaults defaults = CharGerConfig() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=description, epilog=epilog, formatter_class=ConsoleHelpFormatter, allow_abbrev=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--version", action="version", version=f"CharGer v{__version__}" ) parser.add_argument( "--input", metavar="VCF", required=True, type=PathType(exists=True), help="Path to the input VCF to be annotated", ) parser.add_argument( "--output", metavar="TSV", type=PathType(), help="Path to CharGer output", ) parser.add_argument( "--pathogenic-variant", metavar="VCF", type=PathType(exists=True), help="Path to the known pathogenic variants", ) parser.add_argument( "--hotspot3d-cluster", metavar="TSV", type=PathType(exists=True), help="Path to HotSpot3D clusters result", ) parser.add_argument( "--override-variant-info", action="store_true", help="Override the variant info using ClinVar description", ) parser.add_argument( "--include-vcf-details", action="store_true", help="Include the VCF details in the output", ) acmg_grp = parser.add_argument_group("ACMG modules") acmg_grp.add_argument( "--inheritance-gene-table", type=PathType(exists=True), metavar="TSV", help=( "Path to inheritance gene tab separated table and enable PVS1 module. " "Table columns must be: gene, disease, mode_of_inheritance." ), ) acmg_grp.add_argument( "--disease-specific", action="store_true", help="Enable disease specific inheritance-gene-table detection", ) acmg_grp.add_argument( "--PP2-gene-list", type=PathType(exists=True), metavar="TXT", help="Path to PP2 gene list (list of gene symbols)", ) acmg_grp.add_argument( "--BP1-gene-list", type=PathType(exists=True), metavar="TXT", help="Path to BP1 gene list (list of gene symbols)", ) acmg_grp.add_argument( "--override-acmg-score", metavar="'MODULE=SCORE MODULE=SCORE ...'", type=ModuleScoreOverrideType(defaults=defaults.acmg_module_scores), dest="acmg_module_scores", help="Override the default scoring of ACMG modules", ) charger_grp = parser.add_argument_group("CharGer modules") charger_grp.add_argument( "--override-charger-score", metavar="'MODULE=SCORE MODULE=SCORE ...'", type=ModuleScoreOverrideType(defaults=defaults.charger_module_scores), dest="charger_module_scores", help="Override the default scoring of CharGer modules", ) anno_src_grp = parser.add_argument_group("Annotation sources") anno_src_grp.add_argument( "--clinvar-table", metavar="TABIX", type=PathType(exists=True), help=("Path to the Tabix indexed ClinVar table"), ) threshold_grp = parser.add_argument_group("Thresholds") threshold_grp.add_argument( "--rare-threshold", type=float, metavar="FREQ", default=defaults.rare_threshold, help="Maximal allele frequency to be a rare variant", ) threshold_grp.add_argument( "--common-threshold", type=float, metavar="FREQ", default=defaults.common_threshold, help="Minimal allele frequency to be a common variant", ) cg_cls_threshold_grp = parser.add_argument_group("Score thresholds") cg_cls_threshold_grp.add_argument( "--min-pathogenic-score", type=int, metavar="INT", default=defaults.min_pathogenic_score, help="Minimal total score for a variant to be pathogenic", ) cg_cls_threshold_grp.add_argument( "--min-likely-pathogenic-score", type=int, metavar="INT", default=defaults.min_likely_pathogenic_score, help="Minimal total score for a variant to be likely pathogenic", ) cg_cls_threshold_grp.add_argument( "--max-likely-benign-score", type=int, metavar="INT", default=defaults.max_likely_benign_score, help="Maximal total score for a variant to be likely benign", ) cg_cls_threshold_grp.add_argument( "--max-benign-score", type=int, metavar="INT", default=defaults.max_benign_score, help="Maximal total score for a variant to be benign", ) return parser
[docs]def parse_console(args=None) -> CharGerConfig: """ Create a :class:`~charger.config.CharGerConfig` object based on the command-line arguments or the given `args`. """ parser = create_console_parser() config = parser.parse_args(args, namespace=CharGerConfig()) console_parameters = " ".join(map(quote, args or sys.argv[1:]))"Running CharGer v{__version__} with parameters: {console_parameters}") return config
[docs]def setup_logger() -> None: """Set up stderr logging format. The logging format and colors can be overridden by setting up the environment variables such as ``LOGURU_FORMAT``. See `Loguru documentation`_ for details. .. _Loguru documentation: """ logger.remove() # Remove the default setting # Set up the preferred logging colors and format unless overridden by its environment variable logger.level("INFO", color=environ.get("LOGURU_INFO_COLOR") or "<white>") logger.level("DEBUG", color=environ.get("LOGURU_DEBUG_COLOR") or "<d><white>") log_format = environ.get("LOGURU_FORMAT") or ( # "<green>{time:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss}</green> " "<b><level>{level: <8}</level></b> " "| <level>{message}</level>" ) logger.add(sys.stderr, format=log_format) # By default all the logging messages are disabled logger.enable("charger")
[docs]def run() -> None: """Entry point of the program. The ``charger`` command calls this function. """ setup_logger() config = parse_console() charger = CharGer(config) charger.setup() charger.run_acmg_modules() charger.run_charger_modules()