Source code for charger.acmg_modules.pathogenic

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List

from ..result import ModuleDecision
from ..variant import GeneInheritanceMode, Variant

    # Only to import the type checking related modules during type check
    # to prevent circular import
    from ..classifier import CharGerResult, InheritanceGenesType

# region: (Very) Strong
[docs]def run_pvs1( result: "CharGerResult", inheritance_genes: "InheritanceGenesType" ) -> None: """Run ACMG :term:`PVS1` module per variant.""" # Null variant (nonsense, frameshift, canonical ±1 or 2 splice sites, initiation codon, single # or multi-exon deletion) in a gene where LOF is a known mechanism of disease. # # Caveats: # - Beware of genes where LOF is not a known disease mechanism (e.g., GFAP, MYH7) # - Use caution interpreting LOF variants at the extreme 3′ end of a gene # - Use caution with splice variants that are predicted to lead to exon skipping but leave the # remainder of the protein intact # - Use caution in the presence of multiple transcripts most_severe_csq = result.variant.get_most_severe_csq() gene_symbol = most_severe_csq["SYMBOL"] if most_severe_csq.is_truncation_type() and gene_symbol in inheritance_genes: mode = inheritance_genes[gene_symbol] # Gene is autosomal dominant if mode is not None and mode & GeneInheritanceMode.AUTO_DOMINANT: result.acmg_decisions["PVS1"] = ModuleDecision.PASSED # TODO: Check the expression effect if it's given return result.acmg_decisions["PVS1"] = ModuleDecision.FAILED
[docs]def run_ps1(result: "CharGerResult", pathogenic_variants: List[Variant]) -> None: """Run ACMG :term:`PS1` module per variant.""" # Same amino acid change as a previously established pathogenic variant regardless of # nucleotide change. # # Caveats: # - Beware of changes that impact splicing rather than at the amino acid/protein level if result.clinvar is not None: pass
# endregion # region: Moderate
[docs]def run_pm4(result: "CharGerResult", inheritance_genes: "InheritanceGenesType") -> None: """Run ACMG :term:`PM4` module per variant.""" most_severe_csq = result.variant.get_most_severe_csq() gene_symbol = most_severe_csq["SYMBOL"] if most_severe_csq.is_inframe_type() and gene_symbol in inheritance_genes: mode = inheritance_genes[gene_symbol] # Gene is autosomal dominant if mode is not None and mode & GeneInheritanceMode.AUTO_DOMINANT: result.acmg_decisions["PM4"] = ModuleDecision.PASSED return result.acmg_decisions["PM4"] = ModuleDecision.FAILED
# endregion